My Independent Reading Project
Hello, so I will be doing something different today. In our reading teacher (Ms. Petrella) class we are reading 2 or 3 books (Depending on the length) each quarter. We are required to do book talks, projects, and also, AR quizzes. Today I will be posting my independent reading project. I am suppose to use one book and do a project. The projects can be anything from Book Reports to Songs or Book Jackets to Poems. The one I will do is make a Diary/Letter/Blog. I had the option to do a blog for a character on a book online or on paper but I choose online. On that note Here is a few blog post from Callie. Presenting Callie from the book Drama by Raina Telgemeier. Also beware because this blog Post will be a long one.
The Drama Blog- Number one
Hey guys it's me Callie, I'm back again with some more details about my life, school and my hobbies. As you may know, I am in my school's drama club, more particularly stage crew. Now you might be thinking that it's not fun but it really is. Me and my friend Liz get the latest "gossip" on any type of play or musical that will go on in our school. My school is on a pretty low budget so there probably won't be a lot of plays or musicals this year but i have to lighten things up so Let's talk about what I do in stage crew. Stage crew consists of many things and is like most of Drama club. There is the costume designers, my friend Liz id doing that, there's the director. People work in stage crew to make the lights and curtains work properly . We have people that work on the script. There's also people, who inform the school about events. People who buy materials, and people who assign characters, people who hold auditions and my favorite one is set design. You want to know why it is my favorite? It's my favorite because that is the one I am assigned to. I get to work with the scenery, background, and props too.It is really fun but can be stressful too. If I work on the scenery I have to make sure it's perfect for opening night. If I work on the background i have to make sure it has every little bit of detail to make the play or musical come to live and have the audience riled up. Even with the props that have to work on opening night. I will blog later because I have a meeting with the stage crew now. Yay!
The Drama Blog-Number Two
Okay, so I just found out some news. Our school is on a really low budget right now so we will be putting on a musical to raise some money. I am so excited! I have so may ideas like it can be romance in the musical. We could have love songs and beautiful scenery I can tell Liz to make the mo prettiest costumes and maybe we can add a canon! It will be amazing there will be songs that the audience can sing along to. There can be dancing and it will be so fun. the canon that I mentioned should be able to actually work and it can shoot out hm... confetti? Yeah, confetti and streamers and it should be able to shine so the audience can get a good look. The canon can be the greatest aspect of the show. Everyone will be lined up to get tickets and it will be so amazing.
Kimani: Callie?
Callie: Yes?
Kimani: Your school is on a budget, how do you think your school will pay for all of this. it seems expensive.
Callie: They'll find way
Kimani: Okay Continue
Callie: Okay
Anyway, before Kimani interrupted me, I was saying something about the props... Oh yeah! The canon, yeah so since Kimani reminded me about the budget I'll ask Loren about it. Loren is like the captain of the stage crew. I will see what he says because I'm really not sure about it but I hope he says yes. I can just imagine what people will say about a canon in one of our shows. They will be like "Awesome!" or "cool"! I can't wait to see the long line of students waiting to get tickets for the show.
Kimani:Hey Callie, this blog is over with. I'll start a new post for you though.
Callie: Fine
So that concludes this blog, bye for now.
Good job, now check your spelling. LOL
ReplyDeleteOkay, thank you
ReplyDeleteWhat's that suppose to mean?
DeleteVery creative idea for your project. Excellent work on both posts!