My independent reading project part 2

Hello, read  "My independent reading reading project" before this one, if you haven't already.

The Drama Blog- Number Three

Hey guys, it's me Callie again. So last time I talked to you about how my school is doing a musical and how I would talk to Loren about adding a canon. Well I did and guess what, He said yes! I'm so excited,this musical is going to be great. The musical is called Moon Over Mississippi". I will definitely have romance in the script and Liz said she'll try her hardest on the costumes. I have a few things to talk about. I met two boys today when I was putting up flyers for the show. Their names are Justin and Jesse and they are twins. They were talking about being apart of  the Drama club. I'm sure I can get them a spot though. One of them wants to be in the musical but they both can sing and they sing really, really well. The other wants to be in a stage crew with me. These can be arrange though. Auditions is tomorrow so I am sure I can get them a spot in something. The other thing is because the school is on a low budget we can't afford to buy a canon. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking but Callie I thought you said there will be a canon and it is true it's just the school won't be buying and I have to make it myself. Which can't be that hard right. I mean famous people multitask all the time right. It can't and won't be that hard. This musical will be so amazing. The lights will be amazing, and the background and scenery will look gorgeous. I am sure of it.

The Drama Blog- Number Four

Today was audition for Moon over Mississippi and it went great. The thing is when we had auditions Jesse got a part in the musical. I am so happy. Justin told me to audition but I am not a great singer so this happened.

Yeah not one of my best moments but oh well. At least Justin knows why I not on stage but is apart of stage crew. The cast is great. I am happy for everyone who got apart and I am happy for the students who did try their best but sadly did not get a part. Liz said she has costumes designs everything will be just perfect.
*A few days or weeks later*😃
Okay, I thought that the canon would be a piece of cake and everything will be perfect. It's only a few weeks before the show and i cannot get the canon to work. Loren said if I can't get it to work then we will have to cut it out of the show but I want to show them i can mange on my own. i am sure it will work. it just has to for the shows sake, for my sake. Liz and me are both stressed. Her costumes are not going so well because some of the cast keeps ripping them.
Let's say two days later
The canon worked! We had a demo for the  musical at lunch in the cafeteria and it actually worked. My hard time payed off. Everyone left out of the cafeteria to go get tickets. This show is gonna be the best one yet!

The Drama Blog- Number Five And Also the Last One😢

Okay so the show was a success. There was few obstacles and things that went wrong but we got it together and stage crew got what we needed to do done. The audience really liked the musical and. Justin saved the show because one of our cast members um... let's just says she find out some news and refused to perform for the last act but we got through that and Jesse filled in with her. He did great and sung perfectly. I took some pictures though.

See as I said a few obstacles but we got through that as a team and no that isn't Justin. Also the canon didn't work when I tried to get it to work. I'm a little upset because I stayed up all night trying to get the canon to work and make sure it was ready for the sow. Even though it didn't work the audience enjoyed our performance. Loren made an announcement that he won't be in stage crew. Yeah we are all upset but guess what he did. He said I am his replacement!!! I couldn't believe my ears! He said I was hard working and was hopeful when no one was, so I was perfect for the job. So now I got a new job as the new stage crew "Captain". Jesse and Justin got some recognition around the school. Liz is happy for me and I am happy for me. Did you know that Loren said i have great potential. Yeah he did, I am so thankful. That's all for now, thanks for reading my blog.


  1. Great idea to incorporate the pictures! Fantastic post again!


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